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Without tie: what you need to remember if you work from home

Remote work dictates new rules – including those related to corporate ethics. What is important to know so that business communication is constructive, and the home environment does not interfere with work processes?

Call time must be agreed in advance

When we work from home, we have the opportunity to build a more free, flexible schedule. But do not forget that your colleagues are not at the monitor constantly. Just like in the office, they can leave for a smoke break, a lunch break or for coffee. Or get involved in affairs later, having spent part of the morning on solving personal issues – now in many companies this is allowed, provided that a person will work the installed 8 or 9 hours.

Therefore, it is important to coordinate the time of online meeting or calling in advance. So you will be sure that the desired specialist will definitely be in place and have time to prepare for a conversation – put yourself in order and get comfortable.

The dress code continues to act

Being outside the vision of the “all-seeing eye” of the authorities, many relax and cease to adhere to the dress code. What is understandable: for work from home, comfortable pajamas or t -shirt with jeans is quite suitable.

However, it is worth taking care to look decent on video conferences – both with colleagues at work and with clients. For such cases, the business style in clothes and the working environment around are still necessary. If you do not have an office, try to make sure that a refrigerator, sofa and shelves with households do not get into the frame.

Working issues are resolved during working


This moment for many suddenly became a stumbling block: the framework of the working day has blurred, and many leaders (and colleagues too) now believe that we can call and write at any time of the day, even in the late evening – after 21:00. This approach cannot be called ethical.

Even if both we and our laptops are at home around the clock, this does not mean that it is possible to load members of the team without a break or demand in an emergency to solve some issues-only because the boss has now visited inspiration. Nobody canceled the normalized working day!
